As a result of acquisition of the AlleleSEQR chimerism product line in 2015, GenDx is also responsible for the production of the Celera chimerism products and incorporating them into the GenDx Quantitative Chimerism Analysis Suite. These AlleleSEQR chimerism products are separated from the GenDx chimerism products, with their own dedicated Instructions for Use. 

The AlleleSEQR chimerism reagents and protocols are fully integrated in KMRengine. They can however not be used simultaneously with the GenDx chimerism products due to a difference in the cycling protocol. A full list of all AlleleSEQR chimerism products can be found on our website 

Since our aim is to integrate the AlleleSEQR chimerism products into the GenDx product line, we have changed the Assay names of the GenDx KMRtrack markers. Please find below a full list of the name conversions. This is also already implemented into KMRengine from version 1.2 onwards.