Quality Overview


In the quality overview tab, an overview is shown of quality parameters such as QV, CRL, SN and peak spacing of the sequence traces of multiple samples. Rejected sequences will be shown in red. When the checkbox “Unapproved” has been checked, quality parameters of all samples in the worklist of the first reviewer (unapproved samples) are shown:

When the checkbox “Archive” has been checked, the quality parameters will be derived from archived xml files and will be shown for all approved (archived) samples. When the xml files do not contain any quality values, this will be shown as n.a. (not available) and this may occur for samples that have been approved with an old version of SBTengine:

When the quality values from archived samples are not shown (due to lack of information in the xml files), the values may be retrieved from the archived ab1 traces instead. This can be done by checking the “Archived ab1 traces” checkbox and this may take some time:

The quality overview list can be exported as a text file (*.txt) by clicking the "Export to text file" button, or as an Excel file by clicking the "Export to Excel" button.