

The best matching genotype is automatically determined by NGSengine and presented as a reference. By clicking the green arrow, the order of the alleles will switch.

Using the pull-down menu, all other (combination of) alleles can be selected.


The colored horizontal bars represent an overview of the gene:

  • Blue lines: UTRs
  • Yellow lines: exons
  • Grey lines: Intron regions which enable correct identification of the presence or absence of particular null alleles


Black horizontal lines represent the nucleotides of the respective alleles as they are in the reference (letters will be readable upon zooming in), as shown below:


In some cases, parts of the reference may have an orange or red background:


In both cases the sequence of the allele is not known in the database. When the sequence is orange, NGSengine displays a sequence of another allele within the same allele group. 

A red sequence indicates that in the database there is no allele in the same allele group with data, so NGSengine does not display a sequence. 

By displaying the sequence of another allele, NGSengine enables comparing unknown regions of a gene to data of a related allele.