
Overall the TARR export has a hierarchical document structure. The topmost level is the ‘Project’ information. This is indicated by the <ProjectXml/> tag:


d1p1:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="https://www.gendx.com/NGSengine/XSD/20190613/TARR.xsd" xmlns:d1p1="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">


Below this tag project information can be found, for instance the User, Datafolder used, the version of NGSengine, the number of loci analyzed and the number of samples in the project:

<User Name="reviewer1" DateTime="2019-06-26T10:40:24.8084358Z" Level="First reviewer" />









  <LociCount Analyzed="18">18</LociCount>

  <SampleCount Analyzed="3">3</SampleCount>