Inside the <Sample/> tag the <Loci> tag can be found. This tag contains a <Locus> tag, which in the case for our TARR export example is only present once.
< Locus/>
< Loci/ >
The <Locus/> tag contains the result information for the locus and additional information that is required to reconstruct the entire analysis. First there is some locus information:
<User Name="reviewer1" DateTime="2019-06-26T08:28:35.3513429Z" Level="First reviewer" />
<Mappability AcceptedReads="10938" UsedReads="11002" TotalReads="11002" PercentageUsed="99.4" />
<ReadLength Minimum="1" Maximum="151" Median="-1" Mean="134" />
<ReadDepth Minimum="391" Maximum="1193" Median="964" Mean="-1" />
<SampleName> : this is a repeat of the information available above, the sample the locus corresponds to.
<User>: this tag contains the name of the reviewer, the date the review was performed and their level.
<Mappability>: these are the mappability statistics for the locus.
<ReadLength>: readlength statistics for the locus.
<ReadDepth>: readdepth statistics for the locus.
<QuestionMarkPositions>: the position of a nucleotide in the analysis which NGSengine was not able to resolve appropriately.
<PhasingRegions>: the number of different regions that were constructed during the phasing section of the analysis.
<NumberOfGenotypes>: the number of alternative genotypes combinations that would fit the locus analysis result.