Gene viewer



This part of the screen represents an overview of the complete gene, where:

  • Blue boxes indicate Untranslated Regions (UTRs)
  • Yellow boxes indicate the exons
  • Black horizontal lines indicate introns
  • Small black lines above and below introns indicate intron regions which enable correct identification of the presence or absence of particular null alleles (these include all splice sites)
  • Red rectangle: the gene area represented in the lower parts of the screen
  • Vertical red and blue lines: Positions where the data is heterozygous


Scrolling through the gene

In the analysis screen, scrolling through the gene is intuitive. By holding the Ctrl key on your keyboard and clicking on an exon or intron, a full overview of that region will be displayed.

A specific area of the desired width can be selected with the mouse when pressing the Ctrl key on your keyboard.

When you have zoomed in, scrolling across the gene is possible by dragging the red rectangle in the top view or by clicking on the area of interest.