In the past, the GenDx HLA amplification strategies have been validated on the MiSeq Illumina and Ion Torrent platform. Continuous improvements of sequencing platforms and the development of multiplexed amplification strategies challenged us to compare all platforms once more: Are the long read sequencers outperforming the short reads or are these still the golden standard?
In this webinar Sake van Wageningen will share the results of our platform comparison studies in which the NGSgo-MX11-3 typing kit was used for the amplification of 11 whole gene HLA loci on 58 Coriell samples and the amplicons were subsequently used in library preparation for 5 different sequencing platforms.
- MiSeq (Illumina)
- Ion S5 (Thermo Fisher)
- Sequel II (Pacific Bioscience)
- MinION (Oxford Nanopore Technologies)
Please join us for this webinar to hear all about our findings and what to consider when choosing a platform for HLA typing in your lab.