NMDP codes


Activation of NMDP Codes

Under the  'File' menu, choose  'Preferences' then select  tabsheet 'General'. Activate NMDP code usage through checking the 'Determine NMDP codes for ambiguities' checkbox. This step only needs to be performed once.



Updating the NMDP Code List

Because NMDP releases a new update almost every day, the NMDP code list should be updated daily. An internet connection is required for this.


In the help menu, select 'Update NMDP code list' to automatically update the list. 


Alternatively, the NMDP code list can be updated manually:

- Download the zip file from the NMDP website:

  * the NMPD codes can be downloaded here

- Unzip the file

- Copy this unzipped file into the 'Location of library folder', which you can find through 'File', 'Preferences', tabsheet 'General'


New NMDP Codes

When typing results reveal invalid NMDP codes, first ensure the latest NMDP code list has been downloaded (the NMPD code list which is active will be shown in the Legend of the 'Glossary' tab sheet).  



If this is the case, a new code for the typing results can be requested here.


General NMDP Code Information

Up to date information on NMDP codes can be found on this website. Information below is derived from this website


Allele Code List in Numerical Order 


AF 01/09 DRB1*14AF = 1401/1409

JV 01/10 DRB1*13JV = 1301/1310

VE 01/11 DRB1*13VE = 1301/1311