Quality metrics

The 'Quality metrics' tab displays the same quality metrics as shown in the overview screen. 

  • Read length (median): The median read length of the accepted reads.
  • Read depth: The number of reads covering a single position.
  • Coverage: The percentage of positions covered by at least one read.
  • QV (median): The median Quality Value of all analyzed positions of all reads.
  • Noise: The percentage of basecalling errors produced during sequencing.

       Median: the median noise over all analyzed positions.

       Maximum: The noise percentage at the position with the highest noise level. 

  • Analyzed: The percentage of the amplicon used for analysis.
  • Delta signal to noise: The difference between the highest noise position and the lowest heterozygous position in %. 

A high number indicates high quality data.

Negative numbers can occur when noise levels are high.

  • Second allele: The percentage of the heterozygous positions with the lowest abundance.
  • Phased regions: The number of phased regions within the locus.
  • Question mark positions: A list of gDNA positions of which it could not be determined whether they are heterozygous or homozygous.